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MOTU profile: Man-E-Faces

Credit: Iron Studios

Manuel Perkaedo was a lieutenant in the Eternian Royal Guard, serving as one of Captain Teela's most dedicated soldiers.

Fighting alone in order to help his friends escape a lost battle, he was captured by Skeletor's evil warriors and brought to Kronis to be the next subject for the mad scientist's cruel experiments.

Kronis was well known for turning his captives into bionic freaks. However, for Manny he had a new idea. He injected the poor warrior with a gene cocktail made of DNA from several different species of vicious beasts living in the dark hemisphere, transforming Manny into a monster hybrid.

It was Kronis' intent to create a whole army of monster warriors who could be controlled by Rqazz's power over beasts, but it turned out that Manny had a rare blood condition that made the transfusion possible; he was the only one who survived the procedure.

Kronis was not deterred. In fact, he was greatly intrigued and motivated to experiment further with his unique subject. For his next torturous experiment, he injected Manny with a rare vial of self-replicating nanites, transforming the lieutenant into a living robot.

Next, Kronis integrated an external blood circulating device onto Manny's body that could separately activate either the nanites or the monster DNA, forcing him to perform whatever evil bidding was required. The monster was controlled by Rqazz's magic Talisman, the robot by transmitted signals from Kronis. 

Manny was soon unleashed against his friends in battle, but Kronis underestimated the strength of Manny's will. With great effort, Manny was able to control the violent evil infecting his body, and was rescued.

Duncan and his Men-At-Arms studied the damage done to their friend, and were able to construct a special sensory helmet for Manny that enabled him to control his transformations, as well as blocking any mind control from his enemies. The helmet is removable, allowing Manny to enjoy a normal life when not serving in battle. His passion is acting. He performs in theater, the Royal Court, and for the entertainment of family and friends.

Man-E-Faces is a heroic man... robot... monster who uses his courage, superhuman strength, and analytical intelligence to fight evil! 


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